Informed Scotland Dec22/Jan23 – Reviews, trends & podcasts

The last two months were prolific for learning & skills, despite including the festive period. Alongside numerous new courses and resources, annual statistics and surveys, and budget, investment and personnel announcements, take a look at:

There was also news for podcast fans. A Wee Bit of Everything was launched by the Scottish Association of Teachers of PE, and Research Matters by the University of the West of Scotland. UWS is the latest university to use podcasts to share its research stories. Others include University of St Andrews’ One Square Mile…, University of Aberdeen’s Café Connect and SRUC’s Podcast. And this month the QAA has launched a podcast on the ‘biggest issues’ facing higher education, and Skills Development Scotland launched Skillscast, on issues affecting Scotland’s skills landscape.

Themed weeks and events coming up include: Cyber Scotland Week 27 February–5 March, Scottish Apprenticeship Week 6–10 March and SCQF Week 13–17 March.

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