Issue 96 includes key Covid-19 guidance up to and including 10 December.
Wellbeing was a main theme across the learning & skills landscape in November. Organisations are examining or aiming to support the (mental, physical and/or social) wellbeing of children & young people, students at various ages and stages, or teachers, lecturers and academics. For example:
On the theme of ‘transitions from learning to earning…’, a recording of the 2021 David Raffe Memorial Lecture by Prof Ewart Keep is now available on the University of Edinburgh’s website. Informed Scotland’s Angela Gardner led the Q&A session, and was delighted by the ringing endorsement of the digest given by Head of Moray House School of Education & Sport, Prof Richard Andrews, in his introduction.
Finally, congratulations to everyone at the Children’s University Scotland charity following its relaunch as the wonderfully named Curiosity Collective, with its mission ‘to give children the freedom to explore a world of learning beyond the classroom’.
The next issue will be the Dec/Jan edition out in February 2022. However in January I’ll be taking the eighth annual stocktake of Learning & Skills ‘Hottest Topics’ from Informed covers in 2021.
Want to keep on top of all the developments? Become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request the latest copy.
An interesting Poverty Alliance report for the Robertson Trust on mentoring and tutoring in Scotland, and their potential to contribute to reducing the poverty-related attainment gap
The Open University’s informative annual Business Barometer on skills shortages
And the start of plans to merge three University of the Highlands & Islands colleges – Lews Castle, North Highland and West Highland – by January 2023.
This is the tip of the information iceberg. Become an Informed Scotland subscriber so you can keep on top of all the developments. Email [email protected]to request the latest copy.
Issue 94 includes key COVID-19 guidance up to and including 11 October.
A few topics in particular took centre stage:
Education reform for the school sector, with a consultation to inform the review of Education Scotland and the SQA led by Prof Ken Muir having begun in earnest.
COVID-19 recovery, as the Scottish Government set out 40 key actions for education as part of its recovery strategy.
LGBT inclusive education, as Scotland claims to be the first country in the world to ‘embed’ it across the school curriculum. See the new website managed by Time for Inclusive Education. A UCAS report also examined the experience of LGBT+ applicants to university.
Skills shortages, with those demanded by the ‘electrification revolution’ in transport and energy highlighted in a report by the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, University of Warwick Manufacturing Group and Faraday Institution. And the annual Tech Nation Jobs and Skills report shone a light on the tech sector’s ever-increasing demand for skilled people.
Book your place at the fourth annual David Raffe Memorial Lecture, to be delivered by Prof Ewart Keep on ‘transitions from learning to earning and on the wider relationship between education and the labour market’. It takes place online on 3 November hosted by Moray House School of Education & Sport. Informed Scotland’s Angela Gardner will lead the Q&A session.
Want to keep on top of all the developments? Become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request a complimentary copy from Angela and discover what you’re missing.
Issue 93 includes key COVID-19 guidance up to and including 13 September.
National Qualifications results day passed by quietly this summer. However, the debate about the future of exams continues to grow, sparked by the publication of the OECD’s report on Upper-secondary education student assessment in Scotland commissioned by the Scottish Government.
Three strategies relevant to learning & skills in Scotland were published, two by the UK Government on Innovation and R&D People & Culture.
The other was a new five-year Public Library Strategy for Scotland by SLIC. As a firm believer in the power of libraries, I’m happy to spread the word about a Support our Libraries campaign launched by Scotland on Sunday to ‘highlight their work, tell their stories and push for their futures’. Also look out for Libraries Week organised by CILIP from 4–10 October.
However, at a time when lifelong learning is so vital, it’s particularly sad that Scotland’s Learning Partnership has had to cancel the 2021 Adult Learners’ Week in Scotland due to uncertainty over funding – this would have been its 30th anniversary year.
Registration is open for the fourth annual David Raffe Memorial Lecture, to be delivered by Prof Ewart Keep on ‘transitions from learning to earning and on the wider relationship between education and the labour market’. It will take place online on 3 November hosted by Moray House School of Education & Sport, and InformedScotland’s Angela Gardner has been asked to lead the Q&A session.
Want to keep on top of all the developments? Become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request a complimentary copy from Angela and discover what you’re missing.
The ninth Informed Scotland Organisations & People Special has just been published to coincide with the start of the 2021–22 academic session.
This annual snapshot of a busy, dynamic landscape helps our subscribers to quickly locate the key organisations and make sense of where they fit into the bigger picture. They find it a useful directory of the main bodies and institutions operating across business, education, community & adult learning, government and wider society, including:
Sector-specific skills bodies
Local authority education departments and regional improvement collaboratives
Colleges and universities
Teacher education institutions
Developing the Young Workforce regional groups
Knowledge exchange, research pools & innovation centres
National resources, libraries and science centres
With 21 additions, there are now links to over 400 organisations, over twice as many as in the first edition in 2013.
Notes throughout highlight the changes over the past year, including new organisations, mergers and rebrands, and new appointments, promotions and retirements. Sorry to see the Scottish Institute for Enterprise and Scottish Drama Training Network have closed down since the 2020 edition.
All new subscribers receive a copy – join the growing list and stay well informed.
Want to keep on top of all the developments? Become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request a complimentary copy from Angela and discover what you’re missing.
Issue 92 includes key guidance up to and including 9 July.
The hottest topic in June was the final report of the OECD review of Curriculum for Excellence, with the Scottish Government accepting all 12 recommendations and announcing significant changes ahead for the qualifications, curriculum and inspection bodies. We’ve provided our subscribers with a helpful Annex containing the recommendations and response in full.
Had it not been for the above, the Scottish Funding Council’s review of tertiary education & research would have taken the headlines with its final report. We’ll have to wait until September for the Scottish Government’s response to this one, however.
These weren’t the only major reports; take a look at:
Plus there was the usual batch of statistical reports and surveys, including on school leavers, looked after children, attainment, apprenticeships, students and graduates.
We don’t just cover reports and big announcements… On an enterprising, musical note, the University of the West of Scotland launched Damfino Records, a record label to be run by students. It’s not the first though: Edinburgh Napier University students launched Mirror Glass Records in May 2021, Aberdeen University created Vox Regis in 2016 – and Glasgow Kelvin College launched Electric Honey in 1992! Did I miss any? Any before 1992?
Want to keep on top of all the developments? Become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request a complimentary copy from Angela and discover what you’re missing.
Issue 91 includes key guidance up to and including 5 June.
This edition marks nine years since the first issue of Informed Scotland. With youth unemployment currently at 8.0%, it’s reassuring to be reminded that, as well as being down from 12.0% last year, in May 2012 it was a shocking 23.1%.
Interestingly, Informed 1 reported on the first survey, ESS 2011, published by the much missed UKCES. Back then, 14% of vacancies were due to skills shortages – in the current survey that was up to 21%. Conversely, fewer employers currently have skills gaps among the workforce (12%, vs 16% in 2011), and fewer have underutilised/over-skilled/over-qualified staff (33%, vs 58%).
A number of the new Scottish Government’s plans and priorities are relevant to learning & skills. In her 26 May Priorities of Government Statement, the First Minister said that ‘support for skills and young people is part of our wider mission to create a fairer Scotland’. (Informed 91 also includes a list of relevant Cabinet members and Parliament spokespeople for our subscribers’ ease of reference.)
But the main talking point has been the SQA’s National Qualifications – the controversial alternative certification model and appeals service for 2020/21 – swiftly followed by the announcement that reforms are planned for the SQA and Education Scotland. Meanwhile in higher education, a Jisc and Emerge Education Rethinking assessment report is encouraging universities to take the opportunity of the pandemic to make assessment ‘more relevant, adaptable and trustworthy’. Time perhaps for some cross-fertilisation of thinking and approaches.
Want to keep on top of all the developments? Become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request a complimentary copy from Angela and discover what you’re missing.
Issue 90 includes key guidance up to and including 6 May.
With political lockdown in place for the Scottish Parliament elections, April was the quietest month for learning & skills in a while. That said, there was no shortage of developments and reports to cover.
A number of reports provide evidence of the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on the learning and employment experiences of young people, and on those Skills Development Scotland (SDS) refers to as ‘equality groups’ – women, and minority ethnic, disabled and disadvantaged people. The reports include:
The Darkest Hour? by the Centre for Research on Learning & Life Chances, UCL Institute of Education, on the learning experiences, wellbeing and expectations of 16 to 25 year-olds during lockdown
Uneven steps by the Resolution Foundation, on changes in youth unemployment and study.
Away from Covid-19, these reports on HE admissions,school policies and artificial intelligence are well worth a read:
UCAS’s Reimagining UK admissions, highlighting the issues and challenges specific to Scotland in implementing the new proposed model
Ahead of each major election we provide Informed Scotland subscribers with a brief scan of manifestos and resources focusing on or highlighting learning and skills issues.
The Scottish Parliament Election Extra 2021 has links to:
Manifestos, including from Children in Scotland, the EIS, ADES, University & College Union Scotland, Universities Scotland, the OU in Scotland, CIPD Scotland, YouthLink Scotland the CBI, FSB and the Commission on School Reform
Resources, such as Education Scotland’s ‘You decide’ on political literacy, Young Scot’s ‘Everything You Need to Know About the Scottish Parliament Election’, and the Electoral Commission’s Education handbook for teachers of 14–18 year-olds
Campaigns such as CILIP’s #LibrariesAreEssential and Enable Scotland’s #ENABLEThevote for people with a learning disability
Summaries of pledges from the main parties published by organisations including BBC Scotland, Tes Scotland and Wonkhe.
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Issue 89 includes key announcements and guidance up to and including 8 April.
March was another busy month, with the added pile of strategies and manifestos published ahead of the Scottish Parliament election. Four key themes dominated:
With the Scottish Parliament election looming, we’ll be publishing a brief Election Extra later this month with links to manifestos and resources relevant to learning & skills.
Want to keep on top of all the developments? Become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request a complimentary copy and discover what you’re missing.
Our monthly intelligence digest of Scottish Learning and Skills
“I find Informed Scotland incredibly useful for keeping up to date about issues. It very much delivers what it sets out to achieve – ensuring people are informed about updates that matter to them in an accessible and concise a way as possible.”
“Informed Scotland has become a well-established element of our monitoring role for education and skills policy across the UK. It is one of the few publications that manages to combine a high quality overview of the education, skills, business and labour market information for a nation. There is an understanding of the relationships between these factors that is rarely recognised or captured in such a succinct way. A vital read for all who operate or who aspire to operate in this sector.”
– Patrick Craven, Director of Quality, Policy & Stakeholder Engagement, City & Guilds
“Excellent publication which enables us to keep well briefed and informed on all important education, business and skills updates! I can’t recommend it enough!”
– Natalie Phillips, Sustainable Communities Development Manager, Clyde Gateway
“Always find something of interest in Informed Scotland – either recent reports or the people moving into new roles.”