Informed Scotland September 2019 – Learning & skills for a better future


One of the main themes in September was ‘being better prepared for the future’, spearheaded by the Scottish Government’s new Future Skills Action Plan.

The sense of urgency we reported last month has grown, affected no doubt by heightened public concern about the climate ‘emergency’, the Brexit ‘crisis’ and the ‘threat’ of technology – all intrinsically linked to learning and skills.

The David Hume Institute asked Who will do the jobs? with a shortage of workers forecast for Scotland, while Hays’ annual Global Skills Index asked How can supply keep up with demand? and PWC’s Upskilling Hopes and Fears report asked for workers’ views on the impact of automation and technology.

Emphasis has shifted from debating what the future might hold, to acting now – trying to maximise opportunities and avoid worst-case scenarios by developing skills, reshaping education and encouraging lifelong learning.

The Future Skills Action Plan, for example, includes proposals for a Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan, and the intention to address skills gaps and shortages as a central part of the response to Brexit.

The Scottish Government’s new annual programme has a ‘continued focus on education and closing the attainment gap as [its] top priority’, although the phrase ‘defining mission’ doesn’t appear this year. This time last year the attention was on national assessments in Primary 1 – this year all eyes are on S4 to S6, with a Senior Phase review announced, following publication of a survey of headteachers and the Scottish Parliament Education & Skills Committee’s Subject choices in schools report of its inquiry.

Numerous consultations and reviews are seeking your input, including:

These are just highlights become an Informed Scotland subscriber so you can keep on top of all the developments. Email [email protected] to request a sample copy.

Informed Scotland July/August 2019 – Upskilling, reskilling & future planning


Learning & skills was a hive of hot topics over summer 2019. We could have added more to those listed on the cover, such as education & business engagement, mental health & wellbeing, community learning & development, STEM and skills for rural Scotland.

The words of the season were ‘upskilling’ and ‘reskilling’.

The need to prepare those already in the workplace for automation, future skills and work has taken on greater urgency as the pace of significant change increases. Add to that the shortage of ready-skilled, available candidates, exacerbated by Brexit uncertainty, and unsurprisingly we will see more of this over the months ahead.

In the meantime take a look at Scottish Funding Council’s guidance for a new Upskilling Fund for universities, and a Skills Development Scotland report on reskilling and upskilling for ecommerce.

Other studies, surveys and statistics worth seeking out:

Fabulous feedback from a subscriber for our Organisations & People Special published earlier this month: I just wanted to thank you for this. It is an amazing piece of work, hugely useful.

Become an Informed Scotland subscriber so you can keep on top of all the developments. Email [email protected] to request a sample copy.

Who’s where? A snapshot of the Scottish learning & skills landscape

The seventh annual Informed Scotland Organisations & People Special has just been published.

It’s a snapshot of a busy and ever-changing learning & skills landscape, helping our subscribers to quickly locate the key organisations and make sense of where they fit into the bigger picture.

Informed Scotland subscribers find it a useful directory of the main bodies and institutions operating across business, education, community & adult learning, government and wider society, including:

  • Sector-specific skills bodies
  • Local authority education departments and regional improvement collaboratives
  • Colleges and universities
  • Teacher education institutions
  • Developing the Young Workforce regional groups
  • Knowledge exchange & innovation centres.

This year there are links to over 380 organisations, up 20 from 2018 and more than twice as many as in the first edition in 2013.

There have been many changes since last year’s edition, including new organisations, name changes, mergers and closures, and new appointments, promotions, movements and retirements.

New organisations include the under-development National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) along with NMIS Skills, Screen Scotland set up by Creative Scotland, Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland and the V&A Dundee. Other new developments include two additional universities offering teacher education courses for the first time, and the first Scotland Director appointed for WorldSkills UK.

Gone are the Tech Partnership, National Skills Academy for Financial Services, Scottish Film Education and Scottish Waterways Trust, although much of their work has been picked up by other bodies including City & Guilds Group, Keep Scotland Beautiful and Screen Scotland.

Subscribers receive the Special as a bonus and find it a useful addition to their regular monthly digests, as demonstrated by feedback already received for the new edition: ‘This is great. So useful to have all these key contacts updated and in a single document’.

All new subscribers receive a copy: join the growing list of Informed Scotland subscribers and stay well informed. Email [email protected] to request a sample copy.

Informed Scotland June 2019: Skills shortages, empowering schools & the digital divide


Skills gaps, shortages and plans were back as hot topics in June.

Skills Development Scotland launched a Skills Action Plan for Rural Scotland and regional Skills Investment Plans for the south of Scotland and Glasgow City. The Open University’s Bridging the Digital Divide report examined the extent and impact of digital skills gaps. And CBI/Tata Consultancy’s survey looked at digital skills challenges faced by business.

A year after the draft Education (Scotland) Bill was published and shelved, it was finally put to bed. Instead, the Scottish Government published a progress update on education reforms and new Devolved School Management Guidelines. And on the topic of ‘empowering schools‘, Education Scotland released its Thematic Inspection of Empowerment for Parent and Pupil Participation, the third of a series of inspection reports.

Other reports worth highlighting include Education Scotland and Scottish Government’s Learning for Sustainability: Vision 2030+ action plan; the latest Learning Insights report by Kineo on the ‘phenomenon of micro-personal-networking’ in workplace learning; and fascinating models proposed by the British Library for a UK-wide digital platform for library users.

As usual, June was full of statistical reports and annual surveys. This included the destinations of school leavers and sobering education outcomes of looked after children, on apprenticeships by SDS, colleges by Audit Scotland and Colleges Scotland, and higher education student experience by HEPI and Advance HE, plus the second annual progress report from the Commissioner for Fair Access.

Become an Informed Scotland subscriber so you can keep on top of all the developments. Email [email protected] to request a sample copy.

Informed Scotland May 2019 – Making sense of learning & skills since 2012


Seven years ago we published the first edition of Informed Scotland.

Remember 2012, when the talk was of Scotland’s 23.1% youth unemployment, the merger of 37 further education colleges, and Curriculum for Excellence and the move from Standard Grades to new Nationals? Now youth unemployment is down to 6.6%, there are 26 colleges… and, okay, we’re still talking about Curriculum for Excellence and qualifications!

Today’s hot topics include challenging issues not regularly discussed back then, like mental health & wellbeing, or non-existent, like Brexit.

On mental health there were signs of things to come, with Education Scotland’s Communities Team publishing Learning is good for your health in May 2012, and a new national strategy for health & wellbeing in schools under development.

There was no hint of Brexit in issue 1 however. The main item on the EU was a Scottish Government announcement of £25m of European Structural Funding for projects to support getting young people into work. Perhaps had we lauded, rather than taken for granted, this type of regular, significant intervention, we would have avoided the major challenges created by Brexit today.

Back to the present, and May 2019 was the month for a plethora of must-read reports, including:

There are new funds from Education Scotland for creative curriculum design in schools and for STEM leadership and professional learning for teachers, from Skills Development Scotland for digital skills training, and from Scottish Enterprise to provide manufacturing training support for SMEs.

This is the tip of the information iceberg: become an Informed Scotland subscriber so you can keep on top of all the developments. Email [email protected] to request a sample copy.

You can also keep up to date via Twitter @InformedScot and Instagram informedscot

Informed Scotland April 2019 – Qualifications, assessments & exams


Assessments, qualifications and exams were making the learning & skills headlines last month.

The debate about Scottish National Standardised Assessments (SNSAs) continued, with reports published from two out of three separate ‘reviews’ – by the Scottish Parliament Education & Skills Committee and the government’s P1 Practitioner Forum.

The annual exam season began for schools, colleges and universities. A Reform Scotland report focused on the number of National Qualifications a student can take at S4. And SCQF Partnership encouraged employers to become ‘inclusive recruiters’ by using SCQF levels instead of specific qualifications in their recruitment processes.

Other items to highlight include:

April saw the launch of numerous new courses, plus a new preparing for executive leadership programme from College Development Network, a new SSERC/STAC online forum for school technicians, the opening of a second Newton Room STEM learning centre in the Highlands, and a new hairdressing salon run by New College Lanarkshire students for long-term patients at University Hospital Wishaw.

Also last month, the running of Canal College and Canal Heritage projects transferred to Keep Scotland Beautiful as Scottish Waterways Trust sadly ceased trading, plus Newlands Junior College in Glasgow closed its doors after opening for disengaged students five years ago.

Look out for overlapping national themed weeks later in May, including those on Digital Learning, Learning at Work and Learning Disability. Our Learning & Skills Events Calendar contains details of these and more.

Finally, a quick mention with thanks to Edinburgh graphic designers, Mamook, who created the original Informed Scotland design and template – as you may have noticed they’ve provided a few new snazzy cover designs over the last year, and this issue features the final one. We hope you like them as much as we do!

This really is just a taste of all that happened last month! To keep on top of developments you need to become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request a sample copy.

Informed Scotland March 2019 – Additional support for learning & skills


The hottest Scottish learning & skills topic in March was additional support needs.

Among a range of items, there was a cluster of Scottish Government reports on additional support for learning in schools; Education Scotland’s new inclusive education module for teachers on The Open University’s OpenLearn Create platform; a new Carers Trust Scotland recognition award for college student carers; a number of initiatives to support those with autism; and Skills Development Scotland is working with British Deaf Association Scotland to raise awareness about Modern Apprenticeships for young deaf people.

As well as the annual round-up of statistics, including on college staffing and higher education students, qualifiers and retention rates, interesting items to highlight include:

This really is just a taste of all that happened last month! To keep on top of developments you need to become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request a sample copy.

Informed Scotland February 2019 – Inclusive, empowered, connected


There was no shortage of learning and skills activity in blink-and-you-missed-it February. A range of hot topics, familiar and new, presented themselves across the landscape.

Inclusion was referenced in all sectors:

There is a new SCQF Inclusive Recruiter campaign; a new Creative Scotland Create:Inclusion Fund; a new HUB for SUCCESS offering support to care experienced young people in Edinburgh; and a new Prince’s Trust project to develop digital skills for unemployed and underemployed 16–30 year-olds across the UK backed by

There was a report on Building a World-Leading AI and Data Strategy for an Inclusive Scotland by SCDI and partners; a new Addressing inclusion guide for teachers on challenging racism in schools by the Coalition for Racial Equality & Rights and respectme; and a discussion paper on Disabled students at university by the Commissioner for Fair Access.

Other reports to highlight this month include:

And look out for affordable coworking spaces opening up in libraries across the country, thanks to SLIC’s imaginative new Scottish Coworking Network. Take it from one who knows: coworking is to be recommended for micro-businesses, freelancers or start-ups – it absolutely creates opportunities for cross-fertilisation of learning and ideas!

Want to keep on top of all the developments? Become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request a sample copy.

Informed Scotland Dec 18/Jan 19 – Where Brexit’s not the only story


Brexit made its way onto the cover of Informed Scotland for only the second time. There is much evidence of its increasing influence on the economy, business, employment and skills, with words and phrases like ‘gloomy’, ‘uncertainty and confusion’ and ‘threat’ littering forecasts.

The further and higher education sector is raising alarms and preparing for Brexit’s potential impact. The Scottish Funding Council published EU Exit and Scottish colleges and universities and added an EU Exit section to its website, while university bodies including Universities UK and the Russell Group, which is Chaired by the Principal & Vice-Chancellor of University of Glasgow, wrote a strongly worded open letter to MPs.

But there was plenty more learning & skills activity to fill this bumper double issue!

As well as the usual numerous statistical reports and annual reviews, other items to highlight include:

The sixth annual Informed Scotland Learning & Skills Hottest Topics list, plus a round-up of last year’s activity, is in an Annex to the digest. There’s also a link to an interview for Radio EDUtalk in January, when Angela Gardner and David Noble explored the stories behind the list, and looked at what’s on the horizon for 2019 (highlights here).

Want to keep on top of all the developments? Become an Informed Scotland subscriber. Email [email protected] to request a sample copy.

Learning & Skills in Scotland – What’s on the horizon for 2019?

In an interview for Radio EDUtalk, Angela took David Noble’s listeners on the third annual whistle-stop tour of some of the items that will be shaping Scotland’s learning & skills landscape this year.

You can listen to a podcast of the show, which also reviewed the Hottest Topics in 2018. Below are links to some of the programmes, projects and events mentioned for 2019:

National programmes & reviews

Resources, opportunities & courses

  • SQA is continuing to publish documents on the changes to Advanced Higher assessments
  • Two universities are offering teacher education courses for the first time from September – Edinburgh Napier and Queen Margaret University
  • Applications for Erasmus+ funding are open to Scottish schools and organisations until 5 February (for mobility funding) and 21 March (for strategic partnership funding)
  • British Council has CPD workshops available in Norway, Albania and France for teachers in Scotland and the wider UK  
  • Children’s University Scotland is keen to hear from schools interested in working with them on new ways to support children’s wider participation in learning outside of school and during holiday periods
  • The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) is continuing its national rollout of MyProfessionalLearning
  • SCQF Partnership has projects to recognise and map the skills of migrants and veterans

Future Learning & Skills

Themed weeks & major conferences: full list on the Events Calendar

Keep yourself or your organisation better informed about what’s happening in learning & skills in Scotland. Find out how to subscribe here or contact [email protected] to receive a recent copy of the digest.