Informed Scotland November 2021 – The wellbeing of all in learning & skills

Issue 96 includes key Covid-19 guidance up to and including 10 December. Wellbeing was a main theme across the learning & skills landscape in November. Organisations are examining or aiming to support the (mental, physical and/or social) wellbeing of children & young people, students at various ages and stages, or teachers, lecturers and academics. For […]

Informed Scotland October 2021 – Reviews, reforms & climate change

Issue 95 includes key Covid-19 guidance up to and including 5 November. October was a quieter month than usual for learning & skills – the slimmest edition of Informed Scotland since October 2019 is testimony to that. Reviews and reforms are occupying minds across the landscape. Skills Development Scotland published research and white papers to […]

Informed Scotland September 2021 – Recover, reform & reskill

Issue 94 includes key COVID-19 guidance up to and including 11 October. A few topics in particular took centre stage: Education reform for the school sector, with a consultation to inform the review of Education Scotland and the SQA led by Prof Ken Muir having begun in earnest. COVID-19 recovery, as the Scottish Government set […]

Informed Scotland July/August 2021 – Innovation, exams & libraries

Issue 93 includes key COVID-19 guidance up to and including 13 September. National Qualifications results day passed by quietly this summer. However, the debate about the future of exams continues to grow, sparked by the publication of the OECD’s report on Upper-secondary education student assessment in Scotland commissioned by the Scottish Government. Three strategies relevant […]

Who’s where in Scottish learning & skills?

The ninth Informed Scotland Organisations & People Special has just been published to coincide with the start of the 2021–22 academic session. This annual snapshot of a busy, dynamic landscape helps our subscribers to quickly locate the key organisations and make sense of where they fit into the bigger picture. They find it a useful […]

Informed Scotland June 2021 – The future of school & tertiary education

Issue 92 includes key guidance up to and including 9 July. The hottest topic in June was the final report of the OECD review of Curriculum for Excellence, with the Scottish Government accepting all 12 recommendations and announcing significant changes ahead for the qualifications, curriculum and inspection bodies. We’ve provided our subscribers with a helpful […]

Informed Scotland May 2021 – National Qualifications & rethinking assessment

Issue 91 includes key guidance up to and including 5 June. This edition marks nine years since the first issue of Informed Scotland. With youth unemployment currently at 8.0%, it’s reassuring to be reminded that, as well as being down from 12.0% last year, in May 2012 it was a shocking 23.1%. It was good […]

Informed Scotland April 2021 – The disproportionate impact of COVID-19

Issue 90 includes key guidance up to and including 6 May. With political lockdown in place for the Scottish Parliament elections, April was the quietest month for learning & skills in a while. That said, there was no shortage of developments and reports to cover. A number of reports provide evidence of the disproportionate impact […]

Informed Scotland Scottish Parliament Election Extra 2021

Ahead of each major election we provide Informed Scotland subscribers with a brief scan of manifestos and resources focusing on or highlighting learning and skills issues. The Scottish Parliament Election Extra 2021 has links to: Manifestos, including from Children in Scotland, the EIS, ADES, University & College Union Scotland, Universities Scotland, the OU in Scotland, […]

Informed Scotland March 2021 – Attainment gap, skills gaps & diversity

Issue 89 includes key announcements and guidance up to and including 8 April. March was another busy month, with the added pile of strategies and manifestos published ahead of the Scottish Parliament election. Four key themes dominated: The poverty-related attainment gap, with A report on progress 2016–2021 from the Scottish Government, and a separate progress […]