
Our clients past and present include:

  • Apex Training & Development Ltd
  • Be Personnel Ltd
  • Beyond Green Advisors Ltd
  • British Educational Research Association (BERA)
  • Blake Stevenson
  • BP
  • Brooklands New Media Ltd
  • BT
  • College Development Network
  • Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Corus Group plc
  • EdComs Ltd
  • Education Scotland
  • Field Studies Council
  • Fife Council
  • Florence Production Ltd
  • General Teaching Council for Scotland
  • Goodison Group in Scotland
  • HarperCollins
  • Health & Safety Executive
  • Heedi Graphic Design
  • Inspire IT Services Ltd
  • Macmillan Education Publishers
  • Northern Ireland Department for the Economy
  • Prince’s Trust Scotland
  • Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
  • Royal Highland Education Trust
  • Scotland’s Futures Forum
  • Scottish College for Educational Leadership
  • Scottish Government
  • Scottish Qualifications Authority
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Sunrise Setting Ltd
  • 3rd Horizons Ltd
  • University of Strathclyde
  • Virtual College
  • Winmat Publishing
  • WWF Scotland